Protecting Your Business – 7 Essential Disaster Recovery Questions for SMBs

Man sitting on the floor waiting for data center disaster recoveryAccording to research by the Ponemon Institute, the average cost of an unplanned data center outage in 2015 was $740,357. A report by Verizon showed even small data breaches -- those with fewer than 100 files lost – may cost between $18,120 and $35,730. The top causes of technology outages include: equipment failure, UPS failure, cybercrime, and human error. What will you do if your technology infrastructure experiences an unexpected failure?

Scaling for Growth: 3 Keys for Your Data Center

three arrows pointing upward representing availability, skills, and securityTechnology is constantly evolving, and the processes and skills needed to manage it efficiently must evolve as well. Availability, security, and skills are key to ensure continuous efficient operations and the flexibility to meet the dynamic needs of customers.